Night Sweats:

Everything You Need to Know

The Daily Doze

Ever had night sweats? You hop into bed feeling cool and comfy, and then a few hours later, you wake up profusely sweating under the sheets. What gives?

If the above scenario sounds way too familiar, you might be suffering from night sweats. These are hot flashes that occur during sleep, unrelated to the external environment you are sleeping in. This condition is common and occurs among men, women, and children.


“Why Do I Get So Hot At Night?”


So, what’s the deal behind overheating while you’re sleeping?


Sweating during sleep can be normal and nothing to worry about. Our core temperature naturally drops during night time, and it rises again closer to morning. Some people are more sensitive to this change than others, leading them to wake up hot in the middle of the night.

However, if sweating is becoming a more chronic issue and getting in the way of sleep, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition.


  • Menopause or Perimenopause are common culprits behind sudden night sweats. 85% of women go through this symptom due to sudden internal changes in temperature caused by hormone fluctuation.


  • Low blood sugar can cause Nocturnal Hypoglycemia. Diabetics may need to modify their diet and test their glucose levels at bedtime.


  • Stress or anxiety, mood changes, extreme sadness, poor sleep, or nightmares could be the reason behind your night sweats.


  • Hormonal issues, such as hyperthyroidism, should be ruled out.


  • Certain medications may contribute, such as antidepressants, steroids, diabetes medication, aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol) and others.


  • Undiagnosed medical conditions, including infections (tuberculosis, bacterial infections) and cancers (particularly lymphoma) can also cause night sweats.


Make sure to have yourself checked by a doctor if any of these may apply – especially if your night sweats co-occur with other symptoms, like unexplained weight loss, cough, fever, or diarrhea.


Also Read: Sleep and Menopause: Sleep Tips for Women Over 50

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Treatment and Solutions


Don’t lose sleep over night sweats! Here are some ways to cool down:


  • Your room temperature should be 60 to 67 degrees, ideally. If you still get hot at night, consider setting the thermostat even cooler and/or consider sleeping with a fan on.


  • Wear comfortable, breathable clothing to bed to cool down during sleep.


  • Sleep on breathable, airy sheets for maximum comfort.


  • Get a mattress, mattress topper and pillow with cooling properties. MajesticBeds uses moisture-wicking qualities and supportive memory foam to support cool and well-ventilated sleep all night long.
Older Woman Sleeping Comfortably

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